Contact Information

For information regarding Michelle's address or phone number, email Michelle at


I was born in Sacramento California in 1960. The encouragement I got on drawings for a contest in the first grade helped make me a life long artist. I continued to draw and paint throughout high school, spending many lunch breaks in the art room. I received a B.A. in Art from California State University, Chico in 1985, and started my photographic work in 1992. In 2000, I received a MFA from the San Francisco Art Institute in Photography. My teaching career began at CSU, Chico in 2004, and Butte College, Oroville, California in 2005. Before that, I was in the gallery business in Chico, Los Angeles and San Francisco for 20 years.

Human evolution is the theme that runs through all my work, whether it’s horses or books or men in their workspaces. The things in life that helped us survive and forged who we humans have become move me to create. “Men in Their Workspaces” is a representation of who we’ve become. Creating these works makes me feel anchored to this point in time on this amazing planet.

Pricing Information

All Black & White prints are gelatin silver printed on Agfa or Ilford warm tone fiber paper and signed “en verso.” Edition of 25.

Horses 16" × 20" $400.00
Men in Their Workspace 16" × 20" $400.00
  13" × 17" $350.00

The books are either c-prints or digital prints mounted on masonite. They rest on wood or metal shelves and are coated in resin. Edition of 10

Books 17" × 23" $930.00
  9" × 13" $650.00
  44" × 33" $1400.00

Other Information

Download Michelle's full resume.

Read Catherine Sullivan's Statement regarding Michelle's books exhibition.

Enjoy this New York Time's article on the connection between humans and horses.